dive deeper into the word of god

Classes begining 9 March 2021 at the church

Why word school?

The Word School is for everyone: to help build your relationship with God and to see Jesus throughout the Scriptures.

The Word School is there to improve your understanding of the Word of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 speaks of STUDY to show yourself approved. At the Word School we don’t only want to help you to understand the Bible, but also to help you apply it and live out a godly lifestyle. For that we need to understand what the Scripture meant for the original hearer/ reader and what does it mean to us today and how you correctly apply it (Hermeneutics). 

  • Understanding what the author meant with the passage
  • Key ideas of books and passages
  • Help you to understand what you are reading 
  • Allowing the Word of God to work through you, to help you to come  closer to Him